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QGIS | Analyses and computations (raster data)

> Objective

  • This section addresses various computations and analyses with raster data  

  • The students will learn how to compute hillshades, slopes and aspects  

  • The students will learn how to perform area calculations  

  • This section shows how to perform proximity analysis  

  • This section shows how to perform multi criteria overlay analysis  

  • This section shows how to do zonal statistics  

  • This section addresses Boolean operators  

  • The student will be introduced to analysis tools from the processing toolbox  

> Index / Table of Contents 

  • Introduction  

  • Tutorial(s)  

    • Hillshade, slope and aspect calculations 

    • Area calculation 

    • Proximity analysis 

    • Multi criteria overlay analysis 

    • Zonal statistics  

    • Boolean operators 

    • Analysis tools from the Processing Toolbox  

    • QGIS installation  

> Summary and Highlights 


Raster data can be used directly to analyse geographical data, but it might also be useful to first compute new data like area data. The following tutorials show some analyses and computations that can be done with raster data.   


Hillshade, slope and aspect calculations  

Hillshades help to visualise the relief of a terrain by using light and shadows. The slope indicates the steepness of a terrain (in % or ° ) and the aspect specifies the orientation of the slope (in ° ).  

  • Analyse a terrain by computing the hillshade, slope and aspect  

QGIS Training manual: “7.3. Terrain Analysis” 

Language(s): English 

Chapters: follow along: calculating a hillshade, follow along: using a hillshade as an overlay, follow along: calculating the slope, try yourself calculating the aspect, follow along: calculating the aspect, follow along: using the raster calculator, try yourself more criteria, follow along: combining raster analysis results, follow along: simplifying the raster, follow along: reclassifying the raster, follow along: querying the raster, in conclusion, what’s next  

Area calculation 

The area of a surface can be calculated.  

  • Area calculation per land cover class within the Kaziranga National Park  

Ujaval Gandhi: “Calculating Raster Area (QGIS3)”/”Rastergebied berekenen (QGIS3)” 

Language(s): English, Dutch  

Chapters: overview of the task, get the data, procedure 



  • Area calculation per land cover class using the Corine land cover data of 2018 

Hans van der Kwast: “QGIS raster analysis tools for calculating class surface area” 

Language(s): English 

Time: 4min 42s 

Chapters: introduction (start-1:15), map canvas (1:15-2:22), unique values report (2:22-3:53), pie charts (3:53-end)  

Proximity analysis  

Proximity analysis uses distances between different features (in this case, raster cells) to analyse geographical data.    

  • Find pixels within a defined maximum distance from source cells  

Hans van der Kwast: “Raster proximity analysis to determine the maximum distance to classes in QGIS” 

Language(s): English 

Time: 3min 29s  

  • Determine areas that are further than a specified distance from source cells   

Hans van der Kwast: “Raster proximity analysis to the minimum distance to classes in QGIS” 

Language(s): English 

Time: 2min 15s  

Multi criteria overlay analysis  

Multi criteria overlay analyses help to identify the features that are the most suitable to a set of criteria (e.g. features close to water and shops, but far from highways).  

  • Convert the vector data of Assam in India to raster data and identify the suitable areas for development  

Ujaval Gandhi: “Multi Criteria Overlay Analysis (QGIS3)”/”Multi Criteria Overlay Analyse (QGIS3)” 

Language(s): English, Dutch  

Chapters: overview of the task, get the data, procedure  



Zonal statistics 

Zonal statistics refer to statistical calculations (such as mean, median, sum) for a specific group of raster cells. 

  • Perform zonal statistics by using a polygon layer with zones  

Hans van der Kwast: “Zonal statistics in QGIS”   

Language(s): English  

Time: 5min 38s 

Chapters: introduction (start-0:30), zonal statistics tool (0:30-3:36), raster layer zonal statistics (3:36-end)  

Boolean operators  

Boolean operators are simple words that can be used to select a set of features. Some examples are AND, OR and NOT.  

  • Use a Boolean operator (AND) in the QGIS Raster Calculator to perform map algebra 

Hans van der Kwast: “Map algebra with Boolean operator in the QGIS raster calculator” 

Language(s): English 

Time: 1min 33s  

  • Create a Boolean raster in the raster calculator using comparison operators  

Hans van der Kwast: “Create Boolean rasters with the raster calculator in QGIS” 

Language(s): English 

Time: 2min 21s  

Analysis tools from the Processing Toolbox  

Raster analysis tools from the processing toolbox can also be used to perform spatial analyses.  

  • Identify and extract informal settlements in the city of Johannesburg  

Ujaval Gandhi: “Advanced raster analysis (QGIS3)”/”Gevorderde rasteranalyses (QGIS3)” 

Language(s): English, Dutch  

Chapters: overview of the task, get the data, procedure  



  • Spatial analysis by using the raster calculator from the processing toolbox and Graphical Model builder  

Hans van der Kwast: “QGIS Processing Toolbox Raster Calculator & Graphic Modeler” 

Language(s): English 

Time: 12min 4s 

Chapters: introduction (start-0:37), raster calculator (0:37-2:27), graphical modeler (2:27-9:48), running the model (9:48-end)  

> QGIS Installation  

Do you still need to install QGIS? The QGIS installation and update section explains how to install QGIS on Windows and macOS.  

Useful Links 

QGIS Training Manual 

QGIS User Guide   

Ujaval Gandhi (QGIS Tutorials and Tips website)   

Hans van der Kwast YouTube channel  

#QGIS, #Raster data, #Hillshade calculation, #Slope calculation, #Aspect calculation, #Area calculation, #Proximity analysis, #Multi criteria overlay analysis, #Zonal statistics, #Boolean operators, #Raster analysis tools from the processing toolbox   

Hans van der Kwast. (2022, May 10). Raster Proximity Analysis to Determine the Maximum Distance to Classes in QGIS [Video]. YouTube.

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